• It is e’er just to bestow a favicon to your website. The favicon is a 16×16 figure charge in the .Ico formatting. This visualize is the unrivalled you reckon succeeding to the Universal resource locator bar, future to the claim of the varlet on an opened chit and is besides seeable on your bookmarks tab key if you take to bookmark a pageboy. The…[Read more]

  • WordPress has grown to become the most popular blogging site on the Internet. With so many users, and so many capabilities, it is no surprise that the website is doing so well. Keep reading to learn a little more about the website and how to use it. You will be glad you did!

    Make sure you have a unique template for your WordPress blog. It…[Read more]

  • Fowler Lawson became a registered member 10 months, 1 week ago