• ADHD Dosage Titration Guide

    The right dosage for ADHD medication isn’t always the same. Doctors adjust the dosage of ADHD medication, such as stimulants and nonstimulants to find the proper dosage.

    Psychiatry UK can provide ADHD assessments and titrations to NHS patients via video call and also through Right to Choose. Click…[Read more]

  • Titrating Medication For ADHD

    The process of transferring medication for ADHD is a lengthy process. However, it is a vital part of finding the right dosage for each person. The proper dosage is not based on height or weight and more dependent on other factors, such as history of stimulant medication or comorbidities and the severity of…[Read more]

  • Crockett Klitgaard became a registered member 10 months, 3 weeks ago